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fresh garlic, with stalk and scapes


Local garlic is the best garlic you’ll ever taste.


We sell seed garlic from our own stock. You can purchase it at our farm stand, Portland Farmers’ Market, or we can ship it to you (call the farm to order: 207-929-6166).


Garlic can be a fun addition to your veggie garden. We plant our garlic in mid-October. Separate the cloves and plant 8 to 12 inches apart, 3 to 4 inches deep. Then mulch the bed with about an inch of compost and cover with a thick layer of hay or straw. You can remove the mulch in the spring or leave it on for the duration of the crop. Start harvesting scapes in early July, and  pull some small garlic bulbs in mid-July. The major garlic harvest generally happens around August 1st. Cure your garlic for 2-3 weeks on a porch or in a garage (we cure ours in a shaded greenhouse). Best to run a fan, as ventilation is important. After that, the garlic stalks can be removed and the garlic is ready to store. Save your largest bulbs for re-planting.

©2020 Snell Family Farm

1000 River Road / Buxton ME / 04093


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